Shy naive girl Anastasia Steele,interviews media mogul Christian Grey for her college year book thing. An instant attraction between the two,then he becomes creepy stalker guy to finally get her. And present her with a binding contract to be his submissive sex slave.

The script is clumsy the dialogue is a joke "I'm going to fuck you into next week" even poor Jamie Dornan looks and feels uncomfortable delivering his lines, he looks nervous as if he is desperately looking for a way out of this film. I'm not saying he is a bad actor but to me on screen, he looks completely uncomfortable with this role.

Now I will give some plus points, the soundtrack is brilliant,the look of the film is very good. Sam Tayor- Johnson has done a fantastic job as director, to make a film look good when it is really a turd of a film. Dakota Johnson is brilliant In this film, and I'm not just saying that because of the nudity, she portrays Anastasia Steele very well, curious, naive,shy but almost with balls to show Christian that he cannot just walk all over her. So to sum it up, I did not like this film, it is a general fantasy of a woman being turned on by a bad guy, but still wanting him, in the hope she could turn him around to her way of thinking and to be in a normal relationship. I watched the theatrical version of the film,not the so called uncut version. Didn't think I could handle another few more minutes of this film.
Would I recommend it, no I wouldn't. I have no doubt this will be the biggest selling film of the year,on the home video market. But to me it was not my cup of tea thank you very much.
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