About new releases

Hello there just a quick message to say that maybe for a few weeks, I will have to be cutting back on my Bluray  and DVD spending as I have over spent a little. I will still continue to review all the releases I have got, and they are all from the past month.so a lot of new releases. As I have said before I'm on a limited budget, and wished I could afford every new release to review. So I will still keep you all updated on any new releases,news etc. As I said before I still have to review, Starred up,starring Jack O'Connell, Taken 3, Interstellar, Wyrmwood, Cabin in the woods,Absolution,starring Steven Segal, Kidnapping of Freddie Hieneken, Kingsman, the secret service,The Best,  and second Best Marrigold Hotel. Paddington, and Big Hero 6. The film Society on Bluray also.


  1. I know at lot of you might be thinking,that I could watch the films for free on the internet, stream them,and it wont cost me a penny Well I'm not going to do that, I've never had,and never will. As I said before I love films, but I do respect the film industry too much to do that sort of thing. So unless anybody sends me a copy to review, or I can afford it I will buy that film,if I cannot I will go without. That is the way I have always been unfortunately.


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