The Best Bond Film Never made

I never thought that Matthew Vaughn could better the fantastic Kick-Ass, but he has. After the disappointment that was X-Men First Class,he has excelled himself with this. A blast from the past film that gives a sly nudge nudge wink wink to past English spy films. That resembles a cross between The Avengers on speed,with a mix of Roger Moores wit and charm in 70's James Bond,with gadgets galore. As the recent Bond franchise has gone soooo serious that Matthew Vaughn actually said that what he wanted this film to be very early Bondish,very English,very witty with an over the top villian we have not seen in many a year. Now I have always liked Colin Firth as an actor, I can't say that Iv'e enjoyed his choice of films over the years. But why oh why was he not even thought of as Bond in the nighties,he is brilliant,would have knocked spots of Pierce Brosnan.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        He kicks ass like I don't know what. Now the story is a simple one a secret organisation is set up after the war to protect England from evil, by a bunch of gentlemen millionaires who want to use there money for good,and sets up the organisation Kingman- The Secret Service. With a front Suit fitting store in the classy Saville Row,as the organisation headquarters. Now Harry Hart played by Colin spots potential in a street youth,always in trouble,with the police,but just seems to always be in the wrong place at the wrong time. This young lad Eggsy certainly is no gentleman,but Harry can see his potential and wants to prove his boss wrong,that not all Kingsman have to come from Eton, and boy is he right,when he goes to a training camp for spys and passes with flying colours. The cast is spot on too Taron Egerton is spot on as the wise ass Eggsy who is cocky,confident but never annoying. Colin Firth is brilliant,with a top notch British cast Mark Strong is as reliable as ever, so is Michael Caine. The brilliance is the over the top Samuel L Jackson as the meglomaniac who wants to destroy the world because of his radical views on the Eco system of the world. This film is funny,violent,very clever that nods back to the type of film of yesteryear,Matthew Vaughn and his writing partner Jane Goldman who both co-wrote Kick Ass has proved to be a fantastic writing,producing and with Matthew being a fantastic Director. Can I recommend ermm yes please buy,stream steal,only joking but please see this great film, you will not be disappointed.
