I was going to review a film tonight.

My apologies once again I was all set to write my review tonight for Absolution, turned my faithful laptop on and couldn't log on or get into google on my web browser. Malware flashing up,spent the last 3 and a half hours trying to clean it. Malware bytes is still running now. I don't want to log into my account till computer is clean. A hard lesson learnt,that for an easy few hours this afternoon I allowed my daughter to play online playing bloody minecraft on different servers. Computer is full of bloody malware hopefully it will be cleaned out. Malware bytes is fantastic normally, but have  to do a deep clean,as I need my laptop for my work. So I'm using my iPad to write this. I can say I did enjoy the film thought so touch wood I'll be running tomorrow. Already written review,just need laptop for pictures. So first thing tomorrow it should be on.
