We have released this week the fantastic animated film from Dreamworks and that is Home,about an alien race who take over Earth to inhabit it,whilst forcing the worlds population to live in Australia, only one girl left behind and the character ohhhh is left to help her find her mother.
We have The Gunman starring Sean Penn in his first action type film,which has had good reviews,and as soon as I find some money I'll buy it, and review it.
We have two low budget entry's again this week, they are Blackfoot Trail, and the apt titled Shark Killer, now I have no idea about these two,but in the £3.00 section I will get them and review them .
Peppa Pig has her own mini film out,and it is a whole 3 times longer than her normal episodes at a whopping 15 minutes long, called Peppa Pig Golden Boots, with other episodes on the DVD also.
Blu Ray releases are similar this week apart from the exception of Home in 3D. Also two weeks ago we had the pixar reissues on dvd well they are on Blu Ray this week in the charts again. Included is Monsters Inc, Toy Story 1-3, Ratatouille,Wall- E.
Finally reduced into the summer sales we have, Pound Of Flesh, Killer Mermaids, Annie 2014, Tinkerbell and the legend of the neverbeast.
