Proves it Porn will eventually kill you

A film for all those who live in Great Britain would know all about, a mix between Babesation meets Halloween. Girlhouse is an exclusive house of young very pretty girls,who are watched over with big brother camera's.Whilst paying members have full access to the house,and any girl they desire,by typing,or tweeting in,the girls strip,make out,swim in skimpy bikini's,all for the dirty pleasure of men.Ali Cobrin plays a naive college student,struggling with fees decides to sign up to be one of the girls,only part time of cause,and only till she has paid off her student loan, Isn't that what all young girls want to do for money.

In the mean time we are introduced to an overweight kid who is bullied by two very nasty girls,they call him "Loverboy" and get him one day to strip for them,in the promise that if you show me yours I'll show you mine. They obviously ridicule the poor lad,and this then sets him up for life as a woman hating psycho.We then cut to Ali who plays the young Kylie who immediately catches the eye of the now grown up Kid,with his call name,  'Loverboy'. And is well known to the girls as a regular.Friendly chats first between Loverboy and Kylie first starts,then he becomes obsessed with her,with one conversation saying to her"how do you know what I look like" being a sweet girl she says your probably lovely,this is when he hacks into the so called unhackable system to proviod Kylie with a picture of himself. "Still lovely now" he replies back, again Kylie says your still handsome,and leaves the conversation. This is when the other girls find the screenshot of Loverboy,print it off and once a again ridicule Loverboy. Of cause he can see all this as he has complete access to the house as a paid subscriber.He decides they need to be taught a lesson,and being one of the countries top hackers,hacks into system,and finds out where the house is.The rest of the film is like pretty much like any other slasher movie. The truth is I really thought I would hate this,but I actually found myself enjoying it. The female actress's were not annoying,and to be honest I have seen more flesh shown in any American Pie movie. Not too sure why this was an 18 CERTIFICATE, as I seen much worse 15 rated films,even the kill scenes were not distasteful or even really distressing,I think the only reason for the adult rating is the one use of drug use,via a hypodermic needle,which in the UK gives a film an instant 18 rating.As I said I did enjoy this film,and not for the obvious reasons,but it was very well directed,and the whole idea of using modern technology to watch the girls via web cam, and apps was a nice twist. I'm not going to explain the sub-plot with Kylie and her old school sweet heart,and the obvious plot holes,as we are used to these in most films,and being picky does take away the enjoyment of the film.The one point I would like to say is this film had been done before 12 years ago in fact ,before all the social media taking off in a small independent film, by Welsh Director Marc Evans in the excellent My Little Eye,which I still think was the most overlooked film in history.And he had this same idea 12 years ago.Just a point I would like to make.So watch Girlhouse, but please give a check out for My Little Eye also,a cracking double bill one night.
