Hard Candy - Film Review

A very nasty film,more physiological than horror,but still a horrible film to watch.
When Hayley Stark has been chatting to a man online for weeks she arranges a meeting with him at a coffee shop,even though she is only 14 with Jeff Kohlver suspecting this but still meeting her anyway.

The meeting goes well and she arranges another meeting at his house.and yes he agrees to that also. When Hayley gets to his house she drugs him,and he wakes tied to a chair,with accusations he is a paedophile. And she psychologically tortures him,over many hours to confess.

The onslaught from Hayley is relentless,and she is terrifyingly terrifying with her words,and accusations,that break Jeff,we even feel sorry for him as well at some point in the film. But is Hayley right,and does Jeff deserve this treatment from this very unhinged girl.

With a possible castration to Jeff unless he confesses,the film is dark,and touches on the darkest nature of life including paedophilia,it is not an easy watch,and well deserving of its 18 certificate,with a performance from Ellen Page,in I think her best performance to date,even better than her role in Juno. With another great performance from Patrick Wilson,as a man being mentally tortured by this very strong clever girl. It is no way an easy watch,but the performances from both involved are incredible.
