The Walking Deceased (2015) film review. Translucent Entertainment, Aristar Entertainment. Directed by Scott Dow. Distributed by Signature Entertainment UK. Certificate 15, running time 88 minutes.

After season 7 premiered on British TV last night, and everyone getting over the shock character exit, I thought I would give this film a watch. I picked up for £1,00 from my local pound shop, seeing it was released last year, and wanting to see it, I put it on last night after The Walking Dead to cheer myself up. Apart from being very disappointed, that it clearly is not as clever as it thinks it is, The Walking Dead element works, but to include other parody's such as Warm Bodies, and Zombieland, and borrowing from season two of the Walking Dead, and George A Romero Dawn Of The Dead, especially the Mall scene, it just ain't funny, and is extremely armature, with bad acting, and bad dubbing, looking like every scene, had to be recorded in post production. Now judging by the outtakes at the end of the film, they had a lot of noise to deal with, as it looked the farm location, was directly under a flight path, and you could see many scenes having to be retaken, or just sorted out in post production.

Plot Summary;
Sheriff Lincoln wakes after being in a coma for 5 weeks, after being knocked unconscious by a rogue softball hit by his son Chris. Finding out a zombie apocalypse has happened, determined to find his family, he meets up with other survivors at the mall. With the zombies seemingly being more intelligent than the survivors.

Part of this does work, Dave Sheridan as Sheriff Lincoln is brilliant, over emphasising every word in a southern accent like "I'm going to find my family they're alivvvveeee "and referring to his son Chris as " Carrlll" all the time, is the funniest part of this film, and when he leaves the hospital for the first time, and seeing the young girl with the teddy, and shoots her in the head, even though she is not a zombie, is terrible, but also very funny in a bad taste of way. The Zombieland part is just not funny and becomes annoying very early on,same as the Warm Bodies part.
The Walking Dead references all work, and are witty, not hilarious but still funny, Andrew Pozza as Darnell firing a kids crossbow that fires suction darts, and actually believing to be making a difference is funny. The film in the end is a watchable farce, but is just that, it has some witty moments, and I did chuckle in a few places, but that was it, it wasn't clearly as funny as the scrip writers and directors thought it would be, and the funniest part of the movie is the outtakes at the end of the movie.

