Devils Domain (2016) Directed by Jared Cohn. A film about the dangersof social media, especially online bullying. 77% of teens arebullied.LGBT teens are 3 times likely to commit suicide. 8,000 teens ayear, 22 per day, 1 per hour take their own lives. Half areCyber-bullied.


An interesting trailer has dropped of this film, and at first I thought typical film about social media, but using the one thing that happens far to frequently, and that is online bullying, from cowards sitting behind their laptops, tablets and mobile phones. A story of a girl, having to deal with her sexuality, In a society that is cruel anyway, but one with this new President Elect will get worse for the LGBT. With her being outed and named and shamed on social media, by cruel bigoted individuals, a friend request from a woman, who can ease all her suffering and pain, and make it all go away, for one simple request in return to carry her baby. Thing is once you accept the friend request, she then cannot be Unfriended, with a trail of bodies, of bullied teenagers, proving the Devil can appear in many forms, to temp even the weakest of souls. Starring Michael Madsen, Nadi Vodane, Linda Bella.
Directed by Jared Cohn director of Hold Your Breath (2012) and Jailbait (2014). Unfortunately the teaser trailer has just been released so no official release date has appeared yet for the film.

Devils Domain 2016 Trailer
