Vendetta (2015) Directed by The Soska Sisters. Produced by WWE Studios. Distributed by LIONSGATE. Certificate 18, running time 88 minutes.

We have the usual stereotypes in prison,the corrupt warden,and his deputies,we have the kindly prison warden,who turns a blind eye to Mason's rampage through the prison,we have the friendly old timer,who looks out for Mason,and the typical henchmen you would expect to see,in any prison drama, the heavily tattooed guy,the token huge Black guy. Yes we have seen these type of characters before,but for a VOD title,it really isn't badly acted,even Paul "The Big Show" Wight, WWE superstar of the same name,is decent,and really is a huge powerhouse of a man.
It was good to see Dean Cain again,in a tough brutal film,and not playing the usual whiter than white good guy,still a good man at heart,who is determined to avenge his wife's murder at any cost.
The one thing I did like about his character,or Dean Cain himself,who has been harshly criticised for being a little overweight. Well being roughly the same age as this guy,and also struggling with the middle age spread,it was good to see he had gained a few pounds,as he looked more real,and human for it. With so many Hollywood stars,who looked ridiculously pumped up,it was good to see an average man,with an average figure for a change.
Is this film going to set things alight,well not really,but that is definitely not a negative,it is still thoroughly enjoyable,Saturday night viewing,with beers and dips. I film that I actually did like,yes I had seen similar films,but it is still an enjoyable romp of a film,and another credit to these Great two Sisters,pushing boundaries,in a normally male environment,in the Horror and Action genres. Well done Twisted Twins,I look forward to your next Project.
A bone cracking 3/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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